Monday, July 22, 2013

soon to be, baby G!

by far, one of my favorite maternity shoots to date -  i'm sure you can see why.   congratulations, carmen & matt.  any day now!

summer night fun at bellevue

these guys made my job easy - what cuties!!  another fun shoot at bellevue state park.

coolest baby on the block...

...i mean come on, he's already got his own pair of chucks.
news update: jonas is a big brother!!  congrats gary and andra on the recent birth of baby sam.  i can't wait to meet (and photograph) him soon!

Friday, July 19, 2013

lots of laughs!

a fun shoot with the fowler family.  i get asked quite often about attire and what works best in terms of family photos...i think this is a great example of a wardrobe where the color scheme and patterns compliment well and yet still allows individual personalities to shine through!  

the novakovics strike again.

another beautiful day spent shooting along the brandywine.  wishing a very happy 7th birthday to miss vesna!

i've got some catching up to do...

it was an honor to be a part of such a special day for the chandler family.  thank you for being so much fun to work with!